Wednesday, October 31, 2012

To any undecideds, I say four more years

The Greater Fool is actually an economic term. It's a patsy. For the rest of us to profit we need a Greater Fool. Someone who will buy long and sell short. Most people spend their lives trying not to be the Greater Fool. We toss him the hot potato. We dive for his seat when the music stops. The Greater Fool is someone with the perfect blend of self-delusion and ego to think that he can succeed where others have failed. This whole country was made by Greater Fools. --from Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom

A funny thing happened on the way to the office. As I sat waiting for a green light, the passenger in the truck next to me got my attention. Thinking something might be wrong, I unzipped my window to the very original joke of, "I thought you would want to know: someone put an Obama sticker on your car." Never being one of witty retort (maybe I am just too analytically inclined), all I could come up with was the dry and very real truth: "Yeah. That was me." Clearly out of pithy one-liners, he closed with a "Thought you'd need to know." Since that happened Saturday morning I have spent the vast majority of my time letting all the things I should have said float into my consciousness. Even during the rest of my drive (while I was replaying Kermit the Frog and Seth Myers's "Really?!?!" sketch from Weekend Update last year), I was coming up with things to say; full of snark, mean-spirited, humorous (at least in my own mind). But, what I should have said was very simply, "It's President Obama."

I put a lot of this new and disrespectful trend of saying our leaders' names colloquially on young liberals during President Bush's time in office. Maybe they didn't know any better as this was the first time they felt they needed to stand up and be counted against an administration whose views they did not share. That does not matter, though... He is the President, and you are to speak of him and the office with respect. While liberals might have used President Bush's last name in ignorance and without respect, it seems to me that many conservatives today (particularly those who identify with the Tea Party movement) use President Obama's name with a combination of disrespect and hatred that simply does not belong in our American discourse. The last time, I checked government should be by the people and for the people, and when your political party wins or loses you treat the other side with the respect you would like to be treated with... I think there is some sort of Golden Rule about that, but in full disclosure it has been a while since I set foot inside a church. Either way, my President is your President too, and there is nothing or no one from whom we need to "take our country back" unless we have been invaded by Canada overnight--in which case, let's run those LaBatt Blue-drinking tundra-trudgers back across the border.

In case you are arriving at this one man show late, here is some information on my politics you might need to know: when I first became interested in politics I would describe myself as a conservative. Once President Bush had our country's sons and daughters invade Iraq for no good reason, I started to see things a little differently. Do not think that I am some anti-war hippie (I am admittedly a pacifist, but that is neither here nor there and there is a big, bad world out there in which not everyone shares our goals of peace and prosperity); I have been for the War in Afghanistan since about o-nine-hundred on September 11th, 2001. I will be for it until the job is done for lack of a better word, and if you are not sure why you can look up who gave the Taliban their guns in the first place. That said, if we keep getting involved in nation-building (also for lack of a better word) and then leave when everyone gets bored of it, we will have a couple of more Afghanistans on our hands. Anyway, while I am socially liberal but fiscally conservative, I have never let a political party tell me who to vote for, nor will I ever vote for a party alone--I vote for a person.  If you would like some examples, here you are: I love Senator Rubio (though I voted for Governor Crist because we need a few more I's next to names in Washington). I can't stand Senator Reid. I love the President, but I fear Congresswoman Pelosi with her crazy eyes. I will never belong to a political party. I am more than one thing, and I do not feel compelled to paint myself with such a simple, broad brush of certainty when the world is way too complex for one side or the other. 

"Now, let me be clear," I will be the first person to say that I drank the Kool-aid like nobody's business four years ago during then Senator Obama's campaign for the White House. There was a style and tone to his rhetoric that I think this country needed then and I still think it needs today. But, as so many on the right have been quick to point out, rhetoric on a campaign trail does not convert to action and success inside the beltway. He said he was going to throw out special interests and lobbyists, close down Gitmo, balance the budget, reform our immigration policy and enforcement, and re-shape the way Washington does business. Obviously, we are still waiting for a few of these things to happen, but this is the real world and we can't expect everything to get done at once. For what it is worth, I do believe he will get more of these things done in a second term. And, while so many on the right would say nanny-nanny-boo-boo to me because this President's "socialist policies" (really?!?) have failed, I would say to them that having lefty policies is not why they see this Presidency as a failure. It is because he got into office with a Democratic majority in Congress and a referendum from the country to fix it all at once and what did he do when he got there?!? He ran to the middle of the road. Then, instead of compromising and governing with the other side, he allowed the Democratically-controlled Congress to take the ball and run with it flushing all his good will from the 2008 campaign down the toilet. They (Senator Reid and Congresswoman Pelosi) basically told the American people and any Republican representatives that "we are in charge so get used to it." In response, you have the rise of the Tea Party and elected officials like Senator McConnell who actually said that "our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term." 
Well, at least he said President Obama, but how can we expect the President to meet any conservative in the middle with an attitude like that? 

When you are an elected official you have a duty, a privilege, and an honor of working with other elected officials to find common ground. Maybe one of these centuries that will happen again, but there seems to be a tone of hate in our discourse that was not always present. The people on the left seem so disrespectful of the right, while the right seems so angry about every little thing out there. Have you listened to any conservative talk radio? I do not know how those guys stay so angry all the time. I am sure it is just as bad on Air America, but I don't get that on my radio dial so I'll just have to assume it is. It is all just really sad to me how little governing actually occurs these days. 

Well, I am supposed to be using this time to explain why I think four more years of President Obama's policies would be a good thing for you, but that is not necessarily what I think. I don't necessarily think that his policies would be good for me and my family for the next four years. That said, I do think the President will do a better job for the country (all 300 million of us) and the world (all 7 billion of us). I feel that way because we are in this together. We live in a national and global community where we can give a hand up rather than a hand out. If that means some of us have to pay a little bit more so more kids can go to college or more workers have bridges to build, so be it. If that means we can drop a few more cases of food into a war zone (along with our guns when needed) then I am for that, too. And, one day when I am rich (we can hope right?) I plan on paying a little extra in taxes to pay for the things that everyone needs, because that is the only way it is going to work.

Hope & Change and big ideas take time to work. They take a lot longer than four years to right a ship especially in a society that wants (and can usually get) everything to happen instantaneously. Patience is a virtue, and I feel this President has earned our patience while he continues the work of this great nation both here and abroad. President Roosevelt's policies didn't work overnight either, and President Obama's may not come to fruition until he is out of office; however, they can lay the ground work for a 21st Century that is better for all of us: the 100%. That is why he is my President (and yours), and I hope this Greater Fool continues to be for the next four years as well. 

President Barack Obama remains the right man at the right time.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Training, the BK yesteryear, & the Maclay today

Sorry to my three readers about the lack of posts. It has been a long transition from summer running to fall running, from the conventions to the debates, from coaching summer training to coaching fall racing, and from vacation to working back overtime at Starbucks. I have a litany of excuses (or reasons) for not writing but I will not bore you with them more than I already have.

My training has been going well after a small tussle with pre-patella bursitis last month. I am back running 5 flat pace in my intervals and alternating each week with a long run of 10-11 miles or a tempo run at the St. Mark's TH. I feel like another month of this training I will be ready for a big PR at the Jacksonville Bank Half Marathon in December. I plan on upping the long runs each week until I reach an hour and forty minutes on the clock. Since the Maclay kids set a trend of forgetting their watches at practice we have had to give out push-ups to fix the problem. The coaches do them as well so I have taken to doing an hundred push-ups a day to make myself stronger, too. They have never been my strong suit so it is good to crank them out now on a regular basis.

Last night, I took the JV Marauders to my alma mater in Jacksonville. Bishop Kenny High School plays host each year to the North Florida JV Championships. The more things change the more things stay exactly the same. Twelve years ago at this meet, I ran to a PR of 17:01 (3 miles) to make it as an alternate for the varsity team that went on to win the Florida state meet in 2000. Pretty sure I remember every step of that race. I told the Maclay kids that it was probably the best race I have ever run, and they responded with a bunch of hard efforts themselves on the stadium course by the St. John's River. I also got to see two of my best friends (and fellow BKCC alums) Mike Zimmer who lives and works in Jacksonville and Kevin Curran who teaches and coaches at Bishop Kenny. It was also good to see meet timer extraordinaire Stuart Toomey from 1st Place Sports who I have not seen since before his wedding last year.

Always good to see old friends.

It looks like the Bishop Kenny staff did a great job with their meet, because all my kids could talk about on the way home to Tallahassee was how they want to go back next year. Admittedly some of them should be on varsity next year, and they know that. Any high school coach will tell you that it is the little things season after season and year after year that make the difference between making a varsity team or remaining on JV. Talent only gets you so far; you have to want it. Everyday. I hope the Marauders of Maclay continue to realize this and buy in whole heartily to the system. If they do, the ceiling will be quite high.

Look for a post about InDecision2012 in the next week from me. I am sure you will never guess who I am voting for... Thanks for reading and Happy Running!